Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yes, Teachers Write Too

A couple days ago, I showed my students the TWT blog. I told them that teachers from all over the US and in other countries are writing every day this month and publishing their work for others to read. I showed them where my post is as well as the post of a teacher across the hall. I clicked on my post entitled, The Visitor and we read it together. The students, first graders, oohed and ahhed. They asked me to show them a photo of a rough legged hawk. We surfed the Internet and found several photos.

I explained to all of them that I am a writer. Writing makes me feel good. I am always on the hunt for something to write about. We talked about their writer’s notebooks and how those books are waiting for them to jot down their thoughts, favorite words, draw pictures and label them, write a letter, create a poem, add a fact that needs to go in the non-fiction book they will soon write, make up a story problem for math, or make a list.

I often share books I am reading or tell them about when I read at home. I write in class to demonstrate but the other day I shared writing I do at home, in the other world I live in and they were genuinely interested.

We are currently reading The Adventures of Reddy Fox by Thorton Burgess. One of my students made a connection yesterday between my story, The Visitor, and the story of Reddy Fox. What more can a writer ask for than to have his/her readers make connections?

Today, I am going to share the comment section of my posts. I want my students to notice how adults support each other with positive response.


  1. I love that you made visible your writing, and your identification as a writer. I do this, too, and write along with my students, and share my process and frustration and success.

  2. I like how you told the kids that writing makes you feel good, perhaps it will make them feel good too. Kids are always fascinated by a teacher's life out of school. They will enjoy hearing comments and probably have their own comments to make.

  3. And they will remember you as a teacher-writer. I love that!

  4. Powerful post! It speaks to me of the important role teachers who write play in the lives of the young writers in their care. We humanize ourselves when we write for and with our students. We are inviting them to join us on a wonderful journey of discovery. I am presenting at a conference next week for school principals. I would like to quote you. It is a message they need to hear.

  5. Isn't it funny/sad that students don't always see us as writers? Since I have started the challenge I have shared several of my posts with students. They love seeing what I write about. A group of students I worked with last night wanted to know if I was going to blog about them. My creative writing students seem ready to take more chances with their writing when they see my efforts...

  6. Great post. The kids are always amazed when they learn more about us. I bet they were very excited!

    How wonderful you have a colleague who is also slicing.

  7. It's similar to how students sometimes think we live at school. The fact that we may shop in a grocery store is startling to them. It's wonderful you are sharing your writer life with them and not just the teaching one, but also the personal one. It can have so much impact on students to see this, to experience your voice, your thoughts. Awesome!

  8. I shared a post with my kids too, Wanda. It was posted before I started slicing, but I found that it was important that they know that I write because I like, or need, to write. Good idea to share the comments to show how they can also grow to be good support for their peers.
