Friday, April 1, 2011

Staying Alert

How did the SOLC impact me?

I had to stay awake, notice what was going on around me, and take in the details. All too often it is easy to get into patterns. Get up…get ready…drive to work…engage with the kids…go to meetings…prep my room for the next day…drive home…and it starts all over again the next day. I would not have had much to write about without noticing what was happening on my way to work, looking around my room for what is new and interesting, taking a walk along the river to watch an unknown hawk dive after its prey, and listen to the poem of a budding writer who thinks she is writing hip-hop. SOLC forced me out of my winter hibernation and into a senses awakening.

This year it was much easier to write than last year. I got into a rhythm and routine that worked for me. I watched, listened, smelled, touched and tasted all the possibilities each day, came home at night and started to generate a piece, and then got up early each morning to revise and polish. I loved the writing but I equally enjoyed reading all the posts and commenting on as many as possible. The comments I received were generous, helpful, and inspiring.

I have been thinking about all of you as I have read your great works. I wish we could have some kind of SOLC reunion where we could all meet each other. It would be so much fun to see the people behind the words.

See you on Tuesdays and next March.



  1. It's been great reading you. See you Tuesday!

  2. See you on Tuesdays-have loved blogging with you!

  3. I have enjoyed reading your blog and reading about how passionate you are about your children. It would be so neat if there was a a huge skype session. Until that time comes, I'm excited to join everyone on Tuesdays. See you there!

  4. "SOLC forced me out of my winter hibernation and into a senses awakening." I love this line. It is so true. An awakening. I can see the metaphor in your pics of the Maine spring slowly taking root and I feel the metaphor in my own spirit as SOLC comes to an end.

  5. I've enjoyed reading your pieces very much. I'm glad you made the comment about a reunion. I wanted to say that myself but didn't want to sound "stalkerish". It would be neat to know if folks were headed to conferences during the year.
