Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Shopping Cart

It was a warm sunny day. My husband and I went off to look for monarch caterpillars for my classroom. We drove to a spot  that had provided for us before. The patch of milkweed by the sea was holding a bumper crop this year. We found five caterpillars in less than five minutes.

On our return, we stopped at a local store to purchase a new terrarium as mine from the year before had broken. Terrarium and cover in tow we departed the store chatting about the upcoming week. We got in the car and began to drive out of the parking lot. There at the end of the parking lot was a lonely shopping cart. It was parked in such a manner I knew it was a runaway cart.

A runaway shopping cart…my mind immediately went to my writer’s notebook sitting on my end table in our living room. I needed to jot that thought down…a story for my kids.

I started silently plotting…what did it run away from…why did it stop…how will it get back…what will keep it from running away again? I am not only trying to read like a writer…I am beginning to think like a writer. That is what I want for my classroom kids. I can’t wait to begin tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Dreams

The dreams have returned. You know, those pesky little dreams about school. When August rolls around they begin to appear randomly at first and with more frequencey the closer the first day of school. Some of them have former students in them, others allow me to see myself teaching and still others are more like nightmares as I enter a room that has yet to be unpacked, lose my students, or show up without my clothes on.
Almost every elementary teacher I know has the dreams. I think it shows how hard everyone prepares for the beginning of a new school year. Much of that preparation taking place in our brains even as we sleep. I suppose we are rehearsing for the unexpected.
I wish you all sweet dreams this school year.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rainy Days

Drip, drip from the eaves...
Swoosh, swoosh, from the leaves...
I love rainy days.

Late dreaming sleep...
Hot sweetened coffee...
I love rainy days.

Writing, thinking, and reading...
Dog at my feet...
I love rainy days.